Testing, testing

11.8.07 by Cookie Basher

Ένα ψυχολογικό τεστ που υπόσχεται να αποκαλύψει το υποσυνείδητο.

Είναι με εκείνα τα παράξενα σχήματα σαν αυτό:

τα λεγόμενα inkblots, μέσα στα οποία ο καθένας βλέπει και διαφορετικά πράγματα.
Το είχα κάνει πριν χρόνια για το DeadJournal μου και σκέφτηκα να το επαναλάβω τώρα και να συγκρίνω τα αποτελέσματα. Ε, τα ίδια μου έβγαλε. Νομίζω πως έχει βάση και λέει ότι είναι PhD Certified (whatever). Τί μου έβγαλε; Ε, να...

D. Darko, your subconscious mind is driven most by Reserve

You approach the world with your guard intact because unconsciously, and perhaps consciously, you want to maintain an element of control in your relationships with people. You tend to hold your private experiences just out of reach of others. You're not one to immediately show all your cards, to let people into who you really are until you're ready.

Unfortunately, that sometimes means you also hide things from yourself. You may find that your desire to remain guarded backfires, affecting your self-awareness. Why are you like this? It's possible that you act in this manner because of a deeply-rooted fear of being exposed, or of truly expressing yourself. To protect yourself from this fear, you act in the opposite manner — you are guarded.

There is a certain respect that comes with resistance, an unconscious understanding that the human psyche is very vulnerable. We all feel we have a lot to hide, and you are not one to be intrusive or thoughtless about how you approach sensitive topics with others. Therefore you inspire a sense of safety in others when they are around you. Your psyche is very deep, very rich, and the more you can let yourself know (both the good and the bad), the more you will be able to appreciate who you really are.

Though your unconscious mind is driven most strongly by Reserve, there is much more to who you are at your core.

Πάνω στο καλύτερο meh :|
Αν και δε μου αρέσει να το παραδέχομαι, αυτά που λέει γμτ ισχύουν γμτ


PS: Περιμένω feedback ;)

Filed under , having Edit 


Keen On Boys said...

βαρέθηκα να το κάνω 56 σελίδες τεστ!

John, your subconscious mind is driven most by Peace

You have a deeply-rooted desire to make peace in the world. Whether through subtle interactions with loved ones, or through getting involved in social causes, it is important to you to be able to influence the world in a positive way.

You have a deep respect for humankind. You care about the future of the world, even beyond your own involvement in it, and you inspire others to feel the same way. Your innate drive toward peace guides you in daily life towards decisions that are respectful toward yourself and others.

Your psyche is very rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are.

Πούτσες if you ask me, i'm a self-absorbed guy, selfish, with issues, είμαι παρτάκιας αλλα το έχω διορθώσει κάπως... επίσης μερικές φορές βρίσκω διασκεδαστικό το να εκνευρίζω τον κόσμο γύρω μου.. πιστεύω οτι έχω πολλά περιθώρια βελτίωσης δηλαδή

Jirashimosu said...

Δεν ξέρει τι του γίνεται!

your subconscious mind is driven most by Kindness

You have a deep desire to be kind and fair to others. You are preoccupied with finding kindness in the world around you, far more than you may realize on a conscious level. This makes you unusually empathetic and very sensitive to other people's feelings.

Your kind nature makes you an optimist at heart and allows you to see the best in the people around you. Because you're not judgmental, others seek you out when they need a friend.

Your psyche is very rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are.

Για άλλον άνθρωπο μιλάει...μάλλον για τη γιαγιά μου. Ή για την Πολυάννα.

Cookie Basher said...

Ελάτε τώρα, παραδεχτείτε το!
Εσύ keen είσαι ειρηνοποιός & ανθρωπιστής κι εσύ jirashimosu-kun είσαι η Πολυάννα χαχα :Ρ

Μια χαρά πάντως σας βρίσκω, το δυσοίωνο μόνο εγώ το έβγαλα :/

Neverlandean said...

Αργκ! Θέλει να κάνεις λογαριασμό στο Tickle και δεν προτίθεμαι γιατί είχα παλιά και σπαμμάρει τρελά αυτό το γαμοσάιτ! :S

Cookie Basher said...

Το είχα κάνει και παλιά και δε θυμάμαι να μου καναν spamming...
Πάντως, επειδή δε χρειάζεται mail verification, μπορείς να βάλεις ότι θες στο mail :)

sikia said...

Μου έβγαλε το ίδο με τον Keen on boys, ότι δηλαδής είμαι της ειρήνης και της εθνικής συμφιλίωσης. Και δε θα διαφωνήσω. Αλλά η αλήθεια είναι ότι 56 σελίδες με έφτασαν στα όρια μου τον ειρηνοποιό....

repeatable said...

Και μένα ασυναρτησίες μού βγαλε. Κάπου έχει κάποιο δίκιο, αλλά τι το επισημάνει πια τόσο;

Neverlandean said...

Τελικά το έκανα και έχω να πω ότι μου άρεσε πολύ (γιατί μου έβγαλε ωραίο αποτέλεσμα) :PPPPPP

Your subconscious mind is driven most by Sexuality

The world is a sexy place for you — your erotic self leads the way. Whether this is because you're presently in a great physical relationship or simply want one, you are much more aware of the sexual undertones in situations than most people.

This heightened focus, coupled with your vivid imagination, can make you more likely to have original — at times risqué — interpretations of things that other people might see as innocuous.

Your subconscious is telling you that you are very much alive, and have a great deal of passion to bring to life.

Wrong Guy said...

Συγγνώμη, έβαλες όνομα
Ντόνι Ντάρκο;


Cookie Basher said...

Επιβεβαιώνεται πάλι ότι εγώ έβγαλα το πιο δυσοίωνο αποτέλεσμα

Wrong Guy, ναι είναι από τις αγαπημένες μου ταινίες και σταθερό nick :)

Anonymous said...

Ψάχνοντας για τεστ έπεσα στην σελίδα αυτή...
Ενδιαφέρον αν και φαντάζομαι αλλάζει το αποτέλεσμα ανάλογα με την διάθεση της ημέρας που θα το κάνεις... Τέλος πάντων το αποτέλεσμα μου είναι το παρακάτω:

The world is a sexy place for you — your erotic self leads the way. Whether this is because you're presently in a great physical relationship or simply want one, you are much more aware of the sexual undertones in situations than most people.

This heightened focus, coupled with your vivid imagination, can make you more likely to have original — at times risqué — interpretations of things that other people might see as innocuous.

Your subconscious is telling you that you are very much alive, and have a great deal of passion to bring to life.
